Like the artist in this picture, I am in need of inspiration and I need an infusion from an old friend. Stella's keys are my brushes which, even though they only strike in black, have the ability to embed nuances of color every now and then.
Still...I am longing to reclaim my basement art studio and to lay hold of actual paint, brushes, needle and thread. There is something to be said for the tactile aspect of touching fabric or smooshing paint. Unfortunately, to reclaim my stuio will require an intense cleaning jag and Stella cannot help me with that!
Have you ever felt like you had so many ideas swirling around in your brain that you couldn't snag even one of them long enough to put them into productive use? That is my problem right now. I am going to grab Stella; perhaps she can slow me down so that I can settle onto one idea and be inspired again! Talk to you later!
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