Tami and I have corresponded for many years. At first we sent letters back and forth the old fashioned way. I looked so forward to the arrival of her letters and when I saw one in the mailbox I would race home and settle in for an enjoyable and leisurely reading. Tami's letters are always special because they are thought provoking, profound without being cumbersome and sparkling with her special wit. We each saved our letters and now enjoy reviewing them. We are continually astounded at how the Lord was uniting us through the miles by giving us the same insights on the same day. Often we would be thinking the same ideas without the other one knowing about it until days later when we communicated. We have always wanted to combine our friendship into a "joint venture" by linking our communications as if they were letters sent back and forth through the mails. Perhaps that time is just around the corner now.Vicky, I am always pleased to see you have added something to your blog! I love your new look!(This is a picture of Java at 3 years old.)
I thought I'd add something that you might not know, but which I find absolutely enthralling about Amazons regarding the subject of scent. Each Amazon produces its own unique aroma when they are very happy and content. It is described by some owners as a floral scent, and by others as a rather musky scent, but most find it very pleasing. I noticed when I held Java or Kiwi,that they had a wonderful aroma, but it meant so much more to realize it just comes in those special moments when they are feeling very happy or loving, and those moments come when they are sitting on my hand or when I draw near to their cage to visit them! They do not emit this aroma when they are playing or actively prowling around the room, only when they are sitting quietly with me. It always amazes me the way God has implanted in His Creation, those things to illustrate tiny facets of His Word to us. What a beautiful way to illumine the verse that says that we are a fragrant aroma of His Presence in every place. Is it that same feeling of love and contentment in us, that produces that aroma for others to know Him? If so, it makes me more determined to take the time to sit in His presence, bask in His love, and allow His aroma to penetrate my being. Tami
Today, we still have to communicate through long distance, but now of course we communicate via email or computer chat programs. The link to Tami's blog is www.thesilvertrunk.blogspot.com
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