Tuesday, August 19, 2008


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I come from a distinguished line of women who are "random housekeepers". In an effort to maintain lineage purity and family integrity, I am following in the footsteps of my feminine predecessors while passing along helpful hints to my children. Peg Bracken, in her opening paragraph in chapter one of I Hate To Housekeep Book defines "random housekeepers": "There are three kinds of housekeepers. There is the spotless housekeeper, who won't stop, and there is the spotful housekeeper, who won't start. Then there is the occasional or random housekeeper, whose book this is."

At the present moment, my husband and I are smitten with Reese Sticks. I discovered them first but he had to horn in on the treat which requires me to now carefully guard my stash or they'll be inhaled so fast that the created vacuum will leave me breathless. Therefore, we are allowed one Reese Stick per person per night. They are hard to find, which makes them even more delicious.

This week we are devoted to Reese Sticks. Several weeks ago we couldn't get enough of watching "LOST" on DVD and sat through an all night marathon. This spring I was in to knitting so completely that I made 8 pair of socks for Christmas presents in about 3 months, which was astounding for me because I hardly finish anything let alone PAIRS of socks. Next week, most likely, we will find something else that catches our eye. Like crows, we'll flock around it, pick it up and carry it back to our nest. We are not consistent individuals. We are random, we function quite well that way and we are merrily passing along the DNA. But I find that I actually resent it. I would rather be uniform, consistent, and comfortably pragmatic. I don't want to be dogmatically pragmatic mind you, but yikes! That comment shows that my randomness is leaking out again.

My mother had this book and I found it on my bookshelf today when I was chastising myself, yet again, that I really need to clean house. Since I need a strong charge of desire to clean when I'm not motivated by the terror that company is arriving in 2 hours, I sashayed over to a bookshelf to see if I could find a resource on "getting organized." I've collected a number of helpful volumes through the years. On the bottom shelf, I found little Peg! I blew the dust off her, admired the quirky illustrations by Hilary Knight (who always cracks me up) and began to look through the yellowed pages. I couldn't believe that I'd had that book all these years and I'd never read it! I scanned the first page and knew this book was for me! It is about me! It appeals to my Germanic sense of being sensible and practical, yet it is witty and full of fun - like we Germanic people are....

Chapter 10 of her book "How to Remember and How to Remember to Remember" is a hoot. It is especially relevant to me right now because I forget what it was I left the bathroom to go to the kitchen to get. It wasn't a Reese Stick because I would have remembered that. Oh yes, it was the Awesome cleaner. Now, where did I put that cleaner the last time I finished using it?? I think her flagpole remembering list on page 116 may really help me. You must read that chapter yourself because I could get into big trouble from the copyright cops if I cut and paste too much information from the book into this blog. My blog readership is such that Crest Books would know by this afternoon.

What is the point of all this, you may ask. Well, the point is this. Peg Bracken just gave me credibility to accept that I am random and that I have talent in that direction. I am going to attempt to not obsess about the fact that I'm not spotless but I'm clean enough and life is too short to obsess about being perfect.

I'll talk to you later. It's time for a Reese Stick before my husband comes home.


meggiecat said...

This one really cracked me up! Housekeeping is the bain of my existence.

prairiegirl said...

Thanks, Meggiecat! I've ambled over to "your house" today and enjoyed your postings, too!

Tami said...

Vicky, Peg Bracken has always been one of my heros! In fact I have thought of having her "I hate to Cook Book" bound. The "I Hate to Housekeep Book" sits proudly on the top shelf of my bookcase, right next to "The Simple Life," How NOT to be a Messie" (The Ultimate Guide for the Neatness Challenged) and my all time favorite, Mrs. Dunwoody's Excellent Instructions for Homekeeping." Now, Mrs. Dunwoody would find nothing comical on the subject of "homekeeping" but she did w5rite a wonderful book filled with wisdom and timeless practical advice for the "homekeeper." She recorded her wisdom as a way of passing down her "craft" to her daughters. One has to wonder at what happened between 1866 and 1962to turn "homekeeping" into "housekeeping?" If you can find a copy of Mrs. Dunwoody's book, it I think you would love the graphics and her wisdom truly is timeless. In fact, I think we all rather need a dose of Mrs. Dunwoody from time to time, just to keep our perspective. Having been in your home, Vicky, I believe you and Mrs. Dunwoody have a lot in common! She begins her chapter on "The Art of Homekeeping" by saying, "All of us carry in our hearts and minds the image of our ideal home, realized or not. It is a place where we can feel we belong, a rightness, at-homeness, a knitting together of self and world. Home is a place to become yourself, to rest and surrender all pretense. As dear Mother used to say, 'Home is the place where you can restore your mind, body and soul.' It is a source of emotional nourishment. It is a place where you can close a door and open your heart. If there is any meaning to existence, we are surely closest to it there....when we steep ourselves in our home, adeep sense of place begins to emerge. Life becomes more meaningful...." I love that she goes on to say, "Our family members will carry the atmosphere we create in our hoems for therest of their lives."

Come visit my home at my new blog: www.countryvictorianhome.blogspot.com

birdertoo said...

Vicky, I love this blog! My mom was never a "spotless" homemaker..she had too much fun doing other things and that's the way I am. I, too, try to mass clean the house when company is coming. That's why the closet doors are bulging...guess I need to really clean them out and see what treasures are stored there! Ha!