So, Papa will go up to help do some odds and ends around the house - install lights, put in a new electrical outlet and repair their sprinkling system. I am going up to play with the girls, sew with Amanda and play with the girls some more!
Several months back I had closed off most of the yahoo groups that I belong to while I was busy with houseguests. I was also trying to decide how I wanted to proceed with developing my graphic/image ideas. I still don't know for sure what direction I will move into, but this week I re-entered one of my creating groups and started sending in stationery work again. I found that the difference now is that I am working at developing an understanding of why certain techniques work the way that they do and how to use color to interact with other colors. I am committed to making images that will have several purposes and not just to make stationeries that cannot be used anywhere else.
I think that I'm finally discovering what it is that I want to do and don't want to do. I feel like the little butterfly in the picture above. I am flying alone while trying to determine how I want to fly on. I know this probably sounds complicated and maybe it is unnecessarily complex - why not just do something for the fun of doing it? Why do I have to have a heavy reason for doing what I do?
Well, it is fun - what I'm doing. But there seems to be a limit to what can be done with it and I'm looking for a niche and a way around the limit. So far I haven't discovered the answer. But I am going to continue to enjoy and learn as I seek.
It's a rainy day and Hurricane Ike is busy blasting the Gulf coast. While it rains here, I pray for the people there. Yesterday was the anniversary of 9/11. It was also the anniversary of my Dad's near death surgery. A friend's daughter is going through crisis right now... There is so much going on and I do not want to lose perspective of what is lasting and what is temporary. Yet, like the butterfly in the picture above, I am looking at the beauty that does lie around me and I want to capture a small portion of it in word or image if I possibly can.

Enjoy your time with the girls. You have such neat clips on your site...where do you get them all? I really enjoy reading about your perspective on things in life. Have a great time.
I make my pictures from images that I get from my yahoo groups. I use them in Paint Shop Pro. It is great fun! Thanks and I'll talk to you when I get home!
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