It grows such sweet things out of such corruptions,
(Walt Whitman)

Tonight, while brainstorming about where we would store the leftover sand from The Great Wall project, we decided to put it in the spot where I'd been tossing potato peelings and other great compost makings. We would then move the compost collection a little further to the side so that we would have all of our soil making supplies in one area.
We came up with a creative solution to make the compost framework, which for some mysterious reason had eluded us until this magical moment. Bernie spotted 2 great stones in the ravine and rolled them up to the yard (a labor intensive operation). The stone pictured on the right is the most perfect headstone ever! It is rounded on top, weighs a ton and stands as upright as a soldier on duty, just waiting to guard the next deposit of vegetable scrapings. We made a "backsplash" from 4 old fence posts that were currently purposeless.
After manhandling these pieces into place, we stood back and proudly admired our new serious compost heap. It looks like a grave - which it is - a grave for unused vegetable parts which will be recycled into gorgeous fruits, flowers or plants. But it also looks very "Mother Earth"y or like something that would be at the Living History Farms. We're very pleased.
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