Mr. P. jumped up and raced to the front door. There, waiting for him, stood the teapot. Little Miss Swallowtail had already brought it over and placed it in readiness for the evening's festivities. His friend, the fawn, was resting quietly in front of his house and was wondering why there was a teapot just sitting on the forest floor doing nothing. Her mother had left her at the stump by Mr. Panellus' house and told her to remain very still until she returned. Even though Fawn was laying quietly, that didn't stop her from thinking busy thoughts, and she was full of questions when Mr. P. came to the door.
"I can't answer your questions now, Fawn." said Luminescent as he rung his hands in nervousness. "I have lots to do to get ready for tonight. I am hosting the fairies party tonight and they are all planning on a a good old-fashioned Ring Dance. I must find a Caller to tell the dancers where to go in each round. It's very important to find an experienced Caller. In the merriment of the moment, we fairies sometimes forget where we are to go unless we have someone directing traffic."
"I'm sorry that I can't help you, Mr. Panellus." Fawn softly replied. "We deer don't do much dancing. We do lots of excellent leaping, but I've not heard that my family is too interested in dancing. Perhaps the honey bees could help you. They are always very busy, they dip and bob which looks like dancing, and they get around a lot. They may know of a good caller."
"An excellent idea, Fawn!" breathed stout Mr. Panellus. You may be young, but you have a sharp mind. I will run off right now and see if I can find a helpful bee. Ta ta."
Mr. Panellus rolled along the forest floor, in his round plumpness, and came upon a bee who was humming from the Dutchman's Breeches that grew all about. Mr. Panellus cleared his throat and with a harrumph said, "Excuse me, Mr. Bee, but do you know anything about dancing and can you tell me where I could find a good Caller for the fairy celebration which is to be held at my house tonight?"
The bee paused momentarily in his flight, and said, "Iffff you are looking ffffor someone ffffor tonight, you cerrrrtainly waited until the laaaast moment. We bees think ahead and plaaaan for the ffffuture."
"I know." Mr. Panellus wheezed. It is truly negligent of me to wait until today, but there hasn't been an opportunity to find a Caller until now."
"Well," the bee buzzed, "I guessss I can understand that. Try the seeeecond beeeech tree on your right. I think that there is a Fairy who hassss Called at some dancessss in the past. Her name is Parasol Lepiota. Sssshe is not exactly a fairy, I would call her a mushroom, but I think she is very agreeable and may be able to help you."
"Thank you so much for your help, Mr. Bee. I, myself, am more mushroom than fairy, so perhaps she will be more willing to come help us out tonight." Luminescent Panellus turned toward the second beech tree and the bee waved his wing in farewell.
Can you find the teapot in this picture, Franny and Ellie? Do you think that Parasol Lepiota will help the fairies out tonight at the party? Come back later and hear the rest of the story.
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